November 30, -0001, Evaluation Observatory
Women’s Alliance – a feminist not-for-profit organization, seeks to maximize their social impact. Realizing their success is heavily dependent on the power of networks, the organization decides to adopt a strategy to strengthen the networks of funders and social entrepreneurs.
However, in attracting the necessary resources, the Women’s Alliance is confronted with three critical questions: (i) What are the key factors for success in building a network? (ii) What should funders support when laying grants to networks? (iii) How can network builders and funders assess the health of a network? (2014, p.3. Network Impact)
Hence, it becomes essential to invent, test, and scale these networks through a systematic process called Network Evaluation.
(Source: Freeman, 2000)
FAO defines network evaluation as a research technique that helps better understand the relationship between individuals, groups, and systems that facilitate knowledge learning. Throwing light on the structure of informal relationships across the Network, it asks “who knows whom” and “who shares with whom”, allowing the evaluator to visualize and understand diverse relationships.
Developed by the Centre for Network Evaluation and Network Impact, this guide explains the three pillars of network evaluation – network connectivity, network health and network results - through an illustrative casebook.
This practical guide by FAO developed gives a brief overview of the process and helpful tips for network evaluation.
This blog resource is a user-friendly beginner’s guide to create and analyze their first social network graph using Gephi. Using simple diagrams, this blog simplifies the understanding of terminologies and concepts.
This book gives an in-depth understanding of SNA theories and frameworks in a clear and accessible style accessible to non-specialists.
This paper gives insights into modelling information in Public Health work, explaining how network evaluation support public health management in India. The paper guides practitioners to collaborate and improve public health systems.
Tracing the history and application of network analysis in Public Health. It elucidates its use to study the transmission of diseases, diffusion of innovation, the role of social capital and influence on health behaviour.
In this video, Eva Schiffer explains the use of the net-map method to demonstrate communication around the Avian Influenza. Developed by Eva Schiffer, this method helps people understand, visualize and improve outcomes in situations where different stakeholders influence outcomes.
Developed by Rick Davies, this resource explains the use of social network analysis to evaluate HIV-AIDs interventions. It guides users to shift from a logical framework to a social framework.
Developed by the FAO, this methodological approach note illustrates the application of Social Network Analysis to assess food security and nutrition systems. It helps better understand the multidisciplinary nature of food security and comprehend the influence of multiple actors.
Developed by the Rural Information Hub is a list of aggregated quick links to aid evaluators in addressing process-oriented questions and measuring shortterm and long-term impacts.
A blog and video resource illustrating the application of the net-map method.
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