Contrary to popular understanding, Evaluations are so much more than just an impact assessment or a Randomized Control Trial! [Forgive us if you knew this, we couldn’t help ourselves, And if not; read on.]
By definition, evaluations are the systematic assessment of the design, implementation, or results of an initiative for the purposes of learning or decision making . Evaluations beautifully synthesize the worlds of empiricism and norms; subjectivity and objectivity, to guide the knowledge process. Which is why, evaluations can often be complex to construct and comprehend, often even requiring the use of more than just one method, framework, approach or design.
A 21st century data driven culture, needs us to engage more comprehensively with the possibilities of producing data driven insights. And that’s why – we created the Knowledge Bank for you.
For you to delve into the world of evaluations – and navigate the hundreds of explorations within it, with sanity (and a cup of coffee). Complex concepts are de-mystified into simple and relatable articles with a wonderful series of credible open-source resources – guidance documents, case studies, videos, toolkits and checklists, for you to learn from. Please click on the table to your left to explore the different list of articles.
We hope you find these resourceful, and they guide your evaluation journey, upward and onward!
Big Data: An Introduction and Application in the Social Sector
August 30, 2021
Building an Evaluation Ecosystem: Perspectives from Evaluation Associations - Key Takeaways from the Webinars
August 30, 2021
GENSA Celebrates One Year, and Keynote by Katherine Hay
August 30, 2021