GENSA (Gender and Equity Network South Asia) is organizing a Webinar “Economic Empowerment with Women’s Collectives: Rethinking Conventional Evaluation Design and Indicators” with Yamini Atmavilas on November 30th, 2021 at 6:00 pm IST/ 7:30 am EST.
Yamini is Senior Program Officer- Gender Norms, WEE and Gender Data Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, supporting Women’s Economic Empowerment programming, data, and evidence. She is a gender and development professional and has focused extensively on empowerment & equity focusing on collective enterprises, unpaid work, public and private sector solutions, social policy throughout her career She will be discussing new learnings from women’s collectives about measuring economic change using a gender-transformative perspective. To register for the webinar, you can sign up by clicking on the following link–